Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Plush Buddy and My figure Buddys and My Figure Buddy's Clone

Listen today 31 July 2007 i've met SpongeBob and you can talk to him but you have to imagine what he said.And heres pics of me and my buddys i hope you like it

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thank You and Goodbye

ps: come and visit my plush buddy and my figure buddy Aidil


Muna said...

ur plush buddy is so cute! can i borrow it?

Anonymous said...

F is for friends who do stuff together,
U is for you and me,
N is for anytime and anywhere at all,
down in the deep blue see!

Anonymous said...

where's your figure buddy??

aliyamustapha said...

ryzal,how come you don't punctuate? anyway, i enjoy reading your blog. will check it out in the future! ultimate coolness for a little boy like you... :)

ryzal said...

i am cool my friends also think i am cool what is punctuate?

aliyamustapha said...

owh, so u know you're cool? even more cool for you then. :) punctuate? why don't you ask dinie that. go on, try asking him...